Enhancing the private club experience
for your members — and your team.

Jeremy Hoch is the president of Anchor Consulting Services, an independent firm that helps clubs find, implement and maximize their investments in private club technology.
Working with hundreds of private clubs over the last 21 years, Jeremy has helped his clients identify areas of improvement and execute change using both simple and advanced technologies. Recently, Jeremy co-founded Club Data Services to elevate the reporting and business intelligence needs of private clubs.
Jeremy is a contributor to industry publications and a regular speaker at local, regional, and national association meetings covering software optimization, business intelligence and trends in private club technology.
As an alternative or supplement to trainings for your specific club, Anchor Consulting Services offers an ongoing schedule of Jonas training seminars for the private club industry.
The club technology education series presented by Anchor Consulting Services, have been pre-approved as educational credits toward the renewal requirements of:
Certified Hospitality Accountant Executive (CHAE®)
Certified Hospitality Technology Professional (CHTP®)
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Anchor Consulting Services
7250 SW 133 Terrace
Miami, FL 33156
(888) 332-7919